and Supply-Chains


and LEADERSHIP … are most important for strong brands


and Supply-Chains


and LEADERSHIP … are most important for strong brands

Lean Director (w/d/m)

Primus Omnium is focused on consumer, supply chain and corporate cultures. We work for successful global companies – leading brands and supply chains. All of us, candidates, clients and colleagues stand for authenticity, clear processes and long-term values – that’s what we act on. We are looking forward to long-term contact with young people with leadership experience as well as with colleagues with a passion for success who have been with us for a long time. People from FMCG companies for whom a change is only considered in the short or medium term, leaders who would like to get in touch with us now.

We are looking for challenges in modern consumer, FMCG, logistics, technology and some automotive companies in Germany and Europe. We are constantly filling several positions for various clients and look forward to early contact.

ajs@primus-omnium.com or in linkedin an https://www.linkedin.com/in/joergschoen/ .

Lean Director (w/d/m)

Reporting to a Managing Director

The companies are led by professional management teams and the responsible managing directors or board members have a background of experience in organisations that have been shaped by innovation, LEAN and TPM methodologies and change for many years. Our clients are well-known brands, organisations of globally operating consumer goods groups and medium-sized but internationally operating family businesses (250 million to 5 billion). Some are start-ups with a professional structure and young but consumer experienced advisory boards. These customers supply leading retail organisations, i.e. constant innovation, global supply chains (e-t-e), distribution and state-of-the-art packaging, engineering and manufacturing processes including high automation (AI) always play an important role.

We are looking for people who act on their own initiative and already have successful leadership experience in leading supply organisations, trained in modern and international companies (automotive, automation, consumer, FMCG, OTC, etc.). For younger applicants, first experience as a manager is ideal. Positive and value-oriented persons with a good education (business economists, engineers or economists or scientists, etc.) and straight career development. They should be able to think in terms of corporate structures and processes, but act pragmatically, flexibly and quickly, with a rather medium-sized character. Goal-oriented personalities, confident in using TPM / CI / LEAN tools, who are happy to take on responsibility. An important criterion for us is demonstrable success, in good organisations, a structured way of working; no formal authority, rather authenticity. People who do not put themselves, but the task and the goal in the foreground, who inspire employees and receive recognition for this.

CONTACT via Jörg Schön: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joergschoen/ or ajs@primus-omnium.com.  Please coordinate phone calls: +49.171.5803595 | Appointment coordination via SMS/E-Mail/Signal/WhatsApp

Dear interested parties, we have tried to clearly describe the personalities we are looking for, this is more important to us than the professional expertise, therefore we are looking with this advertisement, just the described personalities, from described companies. Even if you have other professional experience, it makes sense to contact us if you know the cultures described or fit into them based on your experience.

Region: D - A - CH
Salary: 120 - 300 K € plus Bonus
Consultant: Jörg Schön